Posts in Kids
Black Friday Deals

Since I am deal finder in June, you better believe I want a MAJOR deal on Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Normally I am grateful for any discount off, but my greedy, cheap butt won’t blink an eye at that this week. I want something to write home about. Something I can tell my friends about in the carpool line. Ya know? I also don’t believe this is a time to buy a bunch of carp you don’t need with money you don’t have. But if you are going to be buying gifts for people anyway or you are in the market for something specific, you might as well get it on sale. On major sale. So I picked some of my favorite go-to shopping spots and here they are:

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Holiday Gift Guide for Teens

Holiday gift guide for teens is here! I’m outside of my pay grade on this one. I had call in the reinforcements. My tween and teenage nephews, Riggs and Gavin have the pulse on all things cool. Thankfully they helped me put together this holiday HIT list. I don’t remember by teenage wish list, but I can assure you, it looked a lot different. I think there might have been a Swatch landline phone on there. I want that again. Anyway, here is what’s HOT now…..

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Kids, LifestyleKim HoggattComment
Meatball Gets a Big Boy Room

Meatball, who goes by Griffin according to the state of California, started crawling out of his crib at 22 months. Yikes. We bought some time with a crib tent which was amazing and I HIGHLY recommend if you want to keep the crib but you’ve got a baby ninja on your hands. When he was almost three, he was potty trained and my lower back was on fire from taking him in and out of the crib so we opted for the big boy bed. Luckily, it worked out. Sources for as many things (or very similar) are linked below!

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Kids, HomeKim HoggattComment
Potty Training: Round Three

Potty training can be a real shit show. Literally and figuratively. It’s messy and stressful for both the trainers and the trainees. In fact, I potty trained the twins (now 8) over a long weekend when my husband was out of town because I knew we’d end up bickering ourselves and I wanted to make the environment as “stress free” as possible. If that doesn’t happen in your house, then having extra help is great (and please send your marriage tips to me STAT). My control-freak ways operate better solo in these types of situations. Knowing that was my first win. LOL.

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KidsKim HoggattComment
Santa Barbara: 7 Kid-Friendly Things To Do

Santa Barbara is easily one of the most beautiful cities in California. My parents live there and we are fortunate enough to visit often. It’s home to killer foodie spots, world class spas, golf courses and entertainment venues. All things that kids SUCK at doing. Visiting there with kids is a different trip. Fear not, I have three of them myself and we still have lots of fun, every time.

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Sunscreen: Winner and Losers

Is my kid going to grow a horn out of their forehead because I chose the wrong sunscreen? That’s what it feels like when you hear all people talking about sunscreen these days. Are they being wildly paranoid or is there something to it? And, if there is something to it, is there a sunscreen that doesn’t cost $152 per ounce? Or one that doesn’t make my child look like a ghost with legs?

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"Bulk-Worthy" Birthday Gifts for Ages 4 and Under

Having boy-girl twins, we hit the birthday scene HARD. It felt like we had one, even TWO parties, every weekend. With twins, its double everything so if there is a shortcut or something that can be done more efficiently, I did it. I quickly learned that I needed to start buying birthday gifts in bulk. If you have a three old boy, chances are you are going to SEVERAL three old boy birthday parties. DUH.

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KidsKim HoggattComment