At-Home Manicures That Last

Even if I had the time and was willing to pay the money to get salon manicure on the regular, they NEVER last. Like, I don’t even make it out of the parking lot. If I do get the keys and credit card out without smudging them, the manicure is gone within 24 hours. Powders and gels are the most durable obviously, but they require a commitment that I don’t have in me in this season in my life. Maybe someday. The problem is that I LOVE a pretty set of nails. Even if my outfit and hair are on the struggle bus, if I have a nice set of nails, I feel like it gives me a free pass. I’m not sure there is a lot of logic there but it’s my truth. That said, I have been painting my nails at home for years. I don’t always have them done, but when I do, I feel like I’ve really got my shit together.


Years ago a friend turned me on to Revlon ColorStay Gel Envy with the Diamond Top Coat. This changed my manicure life. I used to never even do my nails except for a wedding or special event because it only lasted a couple hours or a day at best and what was the point? Until I discovered this polish! The product label calls it a 7 day polish. This might very well be true for a normal citizen. I am not normal. I have three kids and my nails take a beating. Water is enemy #1 and with kids, your hands are in baths, pools and sinks removing GAWD knows WHAT around the clock. Even if I didn't have kids I am not exactly a delicate flower with my hands. Either way, I’m hard on nails. Short story long, this polish lasts a solid FOUR days for me. For a $5 bottle, this is amazing and now totally worthwhile. I can do my nails before a long weekend and know they will be good the duration. Other companies at beauty stores sell a similar product, but its more expensive and doesn’t even work as well.


Now, and maybe what you came here for, is the new weapon that I’ve added to my manicure that has taken me from 4 to 7 days. It’s called Dry Dazzle. BUT, I’ve added my own twist to it that makes it even more accessible. Dry Dazzle sells an at home kit and polishes that lasts a legit 7-14 days. And it does! The problem is that it’s a bit more expensive. My Revlon bottle is $5 vs. theirs is $18. This is still way cheaper than getting a salon manicure. So here is what I have been doing. I use the Dry Dazzle primer, base coat and top coat. But I use my $5 Revlon Gel Envy for my actual polish. My experience is that it works just as well. There are variances in the application techniques but it’s really been working 5-7 days every time. I’m shocked.


If you are hesitant to paint your own nails, here are a couple tips that I think make a HUGE difference:

  1. Thin coats. Always.

  2. Don’t worry about getting perfect coverage on the first coat. It’s easier to fill in the gaps with your second coat.

  3. Multiple coats. 2 thin coats AT LEAST.

  4. Paint the edge of your nail tip with both coats (this helps make it last longer).

  5. Start with lighter colors- they are way more forgiving than dark colors that show every mistake. (Lighter colors are also way less noticeable when they start to chip).

  6. Use the wooden orange sticks to remove excess and don’t pick at the rest that got on your skin (it will come off in the shower).

A couple of tools that I found super helpful that are very inexpensive. Let’s start with orange sticks. I have no idea why they are called orange sticks. They are not orange. Any who, they make it okay to mess up and you will. A 50 pack costs $4.50. Money well spent.


A pushdown pump dispenser for your nail polish remover. Why use two hands when you only need one? It really is a game changer. These are also handy for eye-make up remover. A two-pack comes for $7.99.


Happy painting ladies!