Toddler Sleep Solution...For Now

Our 8 year-old twins NEVER climbed out of their cribs, or even attempted to.   When we converted their cribs to beds, they never got out of their beds without calling for us first.  Ohhhhh how cute, what perfect little angels. Nope, it was just awesome parenting. Ha ha. For real tho,  I don’t know if it was just their nature or if it was because of the twin factor or that they shared a room until they were almost 5 years old? There was no need to find the party when they were the party.   And since no one will ever know, I will just take credit. When number three came around almost 6 years later, we were dumbfounded when he climbed out without hesitation just before his 2nd birthday. Ugh.  In a sleep sack.  Double Ugh.   The first time he did it, we thought it was just a fluke- maybe he had a nightmare?   In hindsight, we were in complete denial.  And we were tired. He didn’t try again for a couple weeks and we knew we had to do something. So, our options were:

Option 1:   Move him to a big boy bed.  If he was this hell-bent on getting out of his crib and out of his room, I was convinced he was never going to stay in a bed.  This meant we, eh-hem, I, would be up all night constantly checking the monitor.    This kid is a black-belt-climber and interested in all things dangerous.  Even if I locked the bedroom door, I’m not sure I could ever make his room completely safe. He can scale just about any piece of furniture.  He is only two-years old, so reasoning with him about staying in bed and using one of those “get out of bed” clocks didn’t feel plausible just yet.

Option 2:  Lower the mattress of his crib to the floor, which I gladly would have done but the crib had a weird frame around the bottom that would not allow us to drop it. Ugh.

 Option 3: And the big winner was….. this crib tent.   I am well aware that is a temporary fix.   It’s one that keeps him safely in his crib for a couple more months.  This summer, he’ll be 2 1/2.  I’m hoping he will be slightly more reasonable and will have better chances of him understanding one of those “get out of bed” clocks.   It may be that he needs a few more months before he’s ready for the bed.  OR it may be that my husband and I need a few more months.   Probably both. 

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 Anywho,  when we showed him the tent, he was thrilled! He wanted to go in it immediately with all his toys and blankets.  His own little fort!  I could only find one with ruffles on it (since then I did find this one without ruffles).   Boo.  I tried to take a seam ripper to remove the ruffles but it wasn’t happening.    The tent itself is a pretty big eye sore in the room.  But when everyone is sleeping- I DON’T CURRRRR. Oh, and if a mosquito happens to fly in the house, this is where you want to be. Now, he yells “ZIP IT” when we put him in it as night. You got it little meatball.

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What I learned, is that every child is different. Everyone’s sleeping quarters are different. Hell, everyone’s cribs are different. So I am so glad there are options out there and this one sure did the trick for us. I promise to post an update later this summer when we are ready, I mean, HE is ready, for “the BED”. Until then, I’ll be sleeping.