My Latest Target Haul

While I do like a cute outfit as much as the next girl, I am not a fashion designer, stylist or even overly passionate about fashion. But what does put wind in my sails, is a good deal (or something that provides a unique function). Target really speaks my love language when it comes to an affordable price point. I especially appreciate this when it comes to more trendy items that do not deserve a big investment. So I thought I’d put a few of my latest purchases in one spot for you:

These 80’s inspired acid wash shorts and leopard sandals will get A LOT of mileage this summer. My graphic tee is from the, oh-so-cute, Vandevort boutique here in San Diego. The tan could use a little attention. Anyone want to teach me photo shop? Photo cred to my 8-year old daughter. I’m sure that’s how Vogue does their shoots too.


This waffle tie front top is only $15. It’s designed to be oversized, so it’s huge. This is an XS which I have not been since the 5th grade. I’m loving it because its not too short after you tie it and it’s got a some length in the back for a little coverage. Those green looking specs are on my mirror not the shirt. Again, we are running a low rent shop here.


Leopard is definitely a neutral in this house. The espadrilles have already earned their $24.99 keep.

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More with the leopard. This cami is so versatile. It can be worn under a blazer for work, under a jean jacket during the day or left alone for a night on the town. I love a hard working piece for $17.99. Keep it up Target.

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This open weave sweater is the perfect summer addition. This is the taupe color but I also bought it in white because that’s what I do when I love something. I’ll take another bartender….

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If you know me at all, you know I’m a plant killer. Like, it’s bad. Even drought friendly succulents that are designed to live on next to nothing in the extreme desert….. can’t get past me. Needless to say, faux plants that look real that don’t cost a fortune, are my jam. This faux potted eucalyptus is so pretty and comes in two sizes. This is the large.

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My older two can read now. So I got this cool mom tank top as a reminder, which oddly enough, is sold in the junior department. huh.

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A round of applause to Target. I’m pretty sure I’m close to getting my own parking spot there. Fingers crossed. Many more to come like this….